UE5 Inventory and Item System Version: 3.0Hello, world!
Welcome to version 3 of my Unreal Engine 5 Inventory + Item Blueprint System. This documentation was created to help guide you through the process of setting up and using all the included systems.
I have gone through the entire system node by node reviewing and simplifying and improving everything I could. I have also added a bunch of really cool new features for you to play with. Visit the Changelog page to see a full list of all the new features and changes found in Version 3.
Unreal Version Support
This version of the system heavily depends on the Enhanced Input System, therefor the availability of this version of the asset will start with Unreal 5.1.
You can also still use Version 2, and to get it you need to install it to a UE5.0 project, then move the asset folder to your UE5.1 or UE5.2 project manually.
You can not use Version 3 in UE5.0 or lower, going backwards from the version it was created in is not something that is possible in Unreal.
A quick breakdown of the project folder structure
The Blueprints/ folder is broken down into 4 parts, Components, Input, Interactables, and Variables. “Components” are the actor components that help drive the various systems. “Inputs” is where you will find the input mapping context and all input actions. “Interactables” are the blueprints for the different interactable systems in the world such as Storage Containers, World Items, NPCs, and Recipe Table for crafting. “Variables” is where you will find the Data Tables, Enums, Interfaces and Structures for the various systems. At the root of the “Variables” folder you will also find a BP Function Library for some of the common or reused helper functions.
The Demo/ folder is for any supporting assets used in the demo world like the icons, meshes, materials, particles, textures and map helpers like the buttons and portal. You can find the demo world in the Demo/Maps/ folder. The Demo/ThirdPerson/ folder is everything included in a default ThirdPerson project. The system is not dependent on the ThirdPerson content, it is simply used for the player character and NPCs in the demo world.
The UIs/ folder is easier to follow, and is broken up into folders by the system. There are a few images used by the UI for effects like gradients, highlights and shadows, these can be found in the Demo/Textures/Images/ folder. The overhead of these images is very light, only 5 files, and about 30KB in total disk usage combined at the time of writing this.
On the next page we will cover the most important part, setting up this asset in your project.