Cross Level Support
UE5 Time of Day Blueprint System Version: 2.0For cross level time support to work in Custom Time mode you need to also use the Save Time configuration option in both levels’ BP_TimeOfDay. These blueprints also need to have the same exact SaveIdentifier in the configuration. This identifier is the common link between the two.
For Real Life Time cross level support will work as is since it will always get the latest time.
Cross Level Testing
I have included a teleporter BP_Teleport in the demo world, and you can find it in the Demo/MapHelpers folder. After placing it in your level use the details panel to set the level you want it to teleport to, then you just overlap it with your player pawn to use it.
For teleporting across levels in multiplayer games there are a few additional requirements that are specific to Unreal. When you overlap the included teleporter in multiplayer and you do not have your project configured properly you will see a print string giving you a list of things to check.
These requirements have no influence on this asset saving and loading time in either level. They are only related to traveling in multiplayer.
If you are not familiar with cross level travel in multiplayer games using seamless travel make sure you read the page in the Traveling in Multiplayer page in the Unreal Documentation about it first. This will save you a few headaches as it is not as simple as it is for Single Player games and does have some Unreal related requirements you need to be aware of.