Save & Load Time
UE5 Time of Day Blueprint System Version: 2.0Saving time is one of our Custom Time Configurations on our BP_TimeOfDay.
To save time in your Custom Time Mode level select your BP_TimeOfDay then from the Custom Time category expand the Save Time section.
To use the save time system make sure SaveAndLoadTime? is set this to true. With this enabled your time will persist and continue to progress across play sessions.
The AutoSaveFrequencyInSeconds variable is how many real life seconds you want to elapse between saves of the time. If you want to manually control when saves happen, set this to 0 then call the SaveTime event on the BP_TimeOfDay when you are ready to save.
SaveIdentifier This string is appended to the save game slot name (keep it alphanumeric). If you have a time of day BP in two different levels the time can be shared between them by making sure this value matches on both of them.
ManualLoad? This is disabled by default, and if enabled you can use it to have more control on when the system handles its load of the saved time. This way you can dynamically update the SaveIdentifier if you had multiple save game slots on your main menu, then manually load after making this update with the LoadTime event. If you set this to true you have to manually call LoadTime when you are ready to run the load process.
Changing Starting Points and Save Time:
If you change the Starting Point and already have an active save game loaded, your changes to the Starting Point will not be reflected in your save game until you either start a new one, or reset the current save game.
How to Reset the Saved Time:
From the viewport select the BP_TimeOfDay and from the details panel click the “Reset Saved Time” button. Nothing will happen, but your save game will be reset and when you press play it will start from your defined Starting Point.