Setup Guide
UE5 Time of Day Blueprint System Version: 2.0This video will guide you step by step through setting up and using all the utilities found in this version of the system.

Getting started is really easy, after adding the asset to your project navigate to the DynomegaTimeOfDay/Blueprints/ folder and drop a copy of the BP_TimeOfDay in your level.
The BP_TimeOfDay blueprint is the main workhorse for this system. It has 2 responsibilities. Keeping track of the current time, and reporting the current time to everything that cares about it.
To use the examples or to make your own custom logic built around time you need to make sure your level has one BP_TimeOfDay in it.
The next chapter will run you through everything related to the configuration and basic uses of this BP_TimeOfDay blueprint like getting the current time, changing time, sharing time across different levels and even saving and loading between plays.
If you want to use the included examples like the sky rotator, or play different ambient sounds at different times of the day, view those individual chapters for the specific setup and usage guides.
If you are new to the system I recommend reading over the next chapter about the Time of Day Blueprint first. This is the most important part of the system and is what you will be interacting with when you use the examples, as well as when you create your own custom time logic.